Kelby Training How To Photograph Car Interiors 凱爾比培訓如何拍攝汽車內飾 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
Have you ever wondered how to light the inside of a car
when you hardly have any room to move? Wonder no more and
learn from the best in the business! Join Tim Wallace and
Scott Kelby as they show you step-by step how to light and
shoot a car's interior using a Porsche Panamera as the
subject. The key to lighting is all about the angles, and
once you get the lighting right it frees you up to just
focus on nailing the best composition. You'll get to see
every step in the process through Tim's eyes as he shares
his secrets for setting up the lights, highlighting the
important details, and finding the right camera angle to
make each automobile look its very best.